Broadcast in 1995, the inaugural Action Man animated TV series captivated audiences across two seasons, comprising a total of 26 episodes. In retirement since the 80s, this animated series breathed new life into a fresh-faced Action Man, spawning hundreds of toys and collectibles, a follow up animated series and extending another 15 years of life to the Greatest Hero of them all!
Despite the passage of nearly three decades without an HD release, in 2023 I took it upon myself to AI upscale the series to a stunning 4K resolution, encoded at 60mbps in the cutting-edge H.265 HEVC format.
This restoration was crafted from one of the few DVD releases available, allowing enthusiasts to experience the series in unparalleled visual fidelity – the animated segments shine with a renewed vibrancy and crispness.
This project represents a genuine passion project, where every detail has been carefully considered to present the series in its full glory.
My sincere hope is that this endeavor will not only transport you back to the joyous moments of your childhood but also serve as a testament to the enduring allure of the Action Man animated series.
May the result evoke fond memories and rekindle the nostalgic spirit of yesteryears!
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